Agni Religious Significance Panchatatva Hawan Puja Agni Dharmik Mahatva

Panchatatva: The universe is made up of five elements, fire, air, water, sky, earth. These are considered as Panchmahabhoots from which every substance in the universe is made. The cycle of life runs only with the balance of these five elements of nature. Talking about human life, if the absence of even one of these in the body brings it closer to death. In religion, fire is considered to be the most powerful element among these five. Let’s know its religious importance

Agni Significance

  • Among these five elements of the world, fire is considered to be the most influential and destructive force. The element of fire is the symbol of energy, heat and light. In Hinduism, Agni has been considered as the highest deity.
  • Agni Dev is very important from birth to death of a human being. Havan is performed in the form of Agni Dev in auspicious works, fire is very necessary to light the lamp in worship.
  • In marriage, seven rounds are taken in front of the fire itself. Considering this as a witness, the bride and groom get bound in the bond of seven births because fire is considered very sacred.
  • There is a need of fire in the last time i.e. even in cremation. According to Hindu belief, only after lighting the fire in the pyre, the dead get peace, fire destroys all the sins and accepts everything.
  • This is the only way to deliver your prayers and food items to the Gods and Goddesses. A person invokes God in the form of divine light. It is said that God himself is present where the flame burns, this is possible only through fire. On the other hand, through Yagya and Havan, a person delivers special material to the Gods and Goddesses. It is through fire that the deities receive the Havan material.
  • There are 49 types of fire described in the scriptures, fire has its own importance for each work. Without fire both maintenance and destruction of creation is not possible. In astrology, Sun and Mars are considered to be the lord of the element of fire, being the planets of fire.

Importance of fire for human life

Human life is not possible without fire. Fire is present in our body in the form of energy. Due to this the body gets strength and power. Fire is the reason for the heat in Sharim.

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