AI Can Crack Password In Seconds Know How To Create A Strong Password

Artificial Intelligence: In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made inroads in the field of cyber security as well. AI-powered password-cracking tools are emerging rapidly. Developers have created tools that can crack complex passwords in seconds, not minutes. If AI breaks a password, it puts personal as well as corporate data at risk. Information is no less than a treasure in today’s world. In this news, we are giving you some tips to protect yourself from becoming a victim of AI-powered password cracking.

AI can easily find out the password

According to a study by Home Security Heroes, about 51% of all normal passwords can be cracked by AI in less than a minute. Furthermore, 65% of normal passwords can be cracked in less than an hour, while 81% of passwords can be cracked in less than a month. Home Security Heroes have said these things on the basis of their research. Actually, Home Security Heroes had prepared a list of 15,680,000 passwords. Then these passwords were cracked using an AI password cracker named PassGAN.

It is not easy to break this password

  • According to the study, passwords with more than 18 letters are generally not broken by AI password crackers.
  • It takes Passgain at least 10 months to crack a number-only password.
  • The study also revealed that it may take 6 quintillion years to crack a password consisting of signs, numbers, small letters and capital letters.
  • According to the report, a 10-letter password containing only lowercase letters can take up to an hour to crack.
  • At the same time, it will take 4 weeks to crack a ten-letter mixed-case password.
  • If someone creates a strong 10-character password using letters, signs and numbers, it could take up to five years to crack.

Which password is the easiest to hack?

According to a study by Home Security Heroes, passwords consisting only of numbers are very easily cracked. If you create only 10 character digit password then that too can be easily cracked. By the way, Home Security Heroes has also told which passwords cannot be hacked. Let’s know.

How to create strong password?

According to Home Security Heroes, create a password of at least 15 characters. This 15 character password should have at least two alphabets upper and lower case. It is also necessary to use numbers and symbols in the password. You must avoid obvious password patterns, even if they contain all the required characters, length and type.

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