AI Godfather Says AI Could Posses More Urgent Threat To Humanity Than Climate Change | Geoffrey Hinton, the godfather of AI, said

Geoffrey Hinton on AI: Geoffrey Hinton, if you have heard this name, then you must be aware of Artificial Intelligence, what is going on in the market right now. Those who do not know about Geoffrey Hinton, tell them that this is the same person who is called the Godfather of AI. Geoffrey Hinton along with his 2 colleagues worked on this technology for the first time and from here AI became popular. He discovered neural networks, on the basis of which today tools like Chat GPT and Google Bard are being developed.

said this in the interview

Geoffrey Hinton gave an interview to Reuters on Friday after resigning from Google, in which he said that AI remains more dangerous than climate change for the whole world. If rules or laws are not made on this, then it can become a problem. Geoffrey Hinton said that for climate change, people can be asked not to use carbon or for some other measures to reduce it, but with AI now This is not right. He said that tech experts have complete knowledge of AI, so experts and political leaders should sit together and talk about it and make some rules.

resigned from google

Geoffrey Hinton has resigned from Google some time ago. While resigning, he said that he is leaving Google so that he can openly talk about the negative impact of AI. Geoffrey Hinton said that today companies are going crazy to make tools like Chat GPT and it is impossible to stop the competition in this field. He said that after the introduction of such tools, the trend of misinformation will increase rapidly and no one will be able to tell what is the truth. The godfather of AI said that a challenge would also be how to stop the wrong people from using AI badly.

White House meeting

Recently, a meeting was called in the White House regarding AI, in which representatives of many companies including Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Microsoft Chief Satya Nadella attended. In this meeting, concerns and security measures related to AI were discussed.

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