AI Voice Cloning Fraud Alert Identify threat in these 3 ways follow these easy steps

AI Voice Cloning: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing rapidly these days. Voice cloning technology of AI is growing rapidly. Due to this, it is not very difficult for fraudsters to imitate the voice of your friends or relatives and obtain personal information. In such a situation, you can avoid such fraudsters by using some methods. Let us know about it in detail.

If someone you know calls you repeatedly without any reason or calls you at odd hours and talks in a strange manner, then be cautious. It is possible that someone is calling you in a changed voice and asking for money in an emergency. Fraudsters will often try to pressure you to take a decision quickly. They will say that a friend or relative of yours is in trouble and needs money immediately.

The difference will be visible in speech

AI voice cloning technology has advanced a lot. In such a situation, if the caller is pausing without any reason during the conversation or his voice sounds like a robot to you, then pay attention to it. This may be a sign that you are not talking to a real person.

Avoid giving money or secret details

Never share your personal information like your Aadhaar number, bank account number to someone you do not know. If anyone asks you for such information over the phone, you need to be cautious.

How to avoid AI voice cloning?

The simplest way to avoid AI voice cloning is to not pick up a call from an unknown number. If it is important, the person will definitely message you. Apart from this, identify the voice of the person calling and avoid sharing important details in a hurry. Also, if someone asks for money in a hurry, do not listen to him. Tell the caller that you need time to think about it.

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