air pollution is dangerous to the health of older people read full article in hindi

Elderly people may have trouble breathing due to air pollution. Air pollution is the third largest cause of death. We will tell you in detail what effect it has on the health of the elderly. Air pollution is increasing rapidly all over the world including India. Food, water and fresh air are very important for humans. Breathing clean air can cause many problems. Pollution emanating from factories, electricity, burning coal, wood and vehicles can prove to be dangerous for health. Actually, whether indoor or outdoor, pollution is spreading very fast. Due to air pollution, elderly people can suffer from many serious diseases.

Elderly people must wear masks whenever they go out

According to experts, small particles of PM 2.5 present in polluted air are the most dangerous. By wearing a good quality N95 or N99 mask, these particles get filtered and cannot enter the body through breath. Due to which many types of respiratory diseases can be avoided. Although no mask is 100 percent effective, it can protect against dangerous pollution. Use a good mask for this. Always wear a NIOSH certified mask.

If the elderly stay at home, keep the windows and doors closed

According to health experts, when pollution is high, its effects are seen inside the house also. Dirt gets accumulated in the curtains and sofa covers in the house and comes out in the form of dust. For this reason it is advisable to close windows and doors. However, windows or doors should not be kept closed for 24 hours. This is because due to continuous closing of windows or doors, particulate matter remains in the house, which can give rise to many respiratory diseases. Therefore, windows and doors should be kept open for some time in the afternoon.

What to do to avoid air pollution

Avoid leaving the house in heavy traffic.

If it is not necessary, do not allow small children and elderly people to go out of the house.

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If you are going out, wear an N-95 mask only.

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from dust and dirt

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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