Akshay Tritiya 2023 Why Gold Is So Expensive Know About Its Properties

Akshay Tritiya 2023 Why Gold Is So Expensive Know About Its PropertiesAkshay Tritiya 2023 Why Gold Is So Expensive Know About Its Properties

Why Gold Is So Expensive: Buying gold and silver jewelery is considered auspicious on the festival of Akshaya Tritiya. However, gold is such an expensive metal that buying it is not a matter of everyone. But, still people buy it according to their status. In such a situation, a question is bound to come to mind that what is so special about gold that it is so expensive?

Gold has been used since ancient times. In the olden days, from the crowns and ornaments of the kings and emperors, to the coins were made of gold only. Even today people’s interest in gold is not less. Especially women are more interested in saving gold. Gold is one of the most preferred metals in the world. But, the problem with it remains that it is very expensive. Actually, there are many reasons behind the cost of gold. Let’s know.

demand for gold

Things that are rare or found in small quantities in nature are mostly expensive. Gold is also a very useful metal, as well as it is also found in very small quantities in nature. But, its demand is very high all over the world. In such a situation, it is bound to be expensive.

gold mining process

Gold is found in nature both in free and combined form. The process of getting pure gold from gold ore is very expensive. That’s why gold becomes very expensive. You might not know that gold is also found in the sea. But, the process of extracting gold from the sea is very expensive. In this way, the process of its mining being expensive is a major reason for its being expensive.

gold is a shiny yellow metal

Apart from this, gold is a yellow colored shiny and very beautiful metal. The value of beautiful things is always more. In this way, the shine and beauty of gold is also a big reason for it being expensive.

other reason

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, gold has many such qualities, which make it expensive. Let us know what are those qualities.

  • Gold does not rust. Gold does not have the tendency to oxidize like other metals like iron etc.
  • From fashion, decoration to industrial work, it is also used.
  • The price of gold is not determined by any organization, rather it depends on the cost of its mining and purification.
  • Weather has no effect on sleep. This quality of it makes it different from other metals. It can remain the same in any season.

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