Alcohol Sales In India To Rise To A Four-Year High In 2022 Says Report

Liquor Sales in India: After recovering from Corona, there has been a tremendous increase in the trade of liquor. According to an Economic Times report, liquor sales in 2022 are set to increase by 12 percent over 2021 to reach a four-year high of 388 million cases. According to the report, people are drinking more foreign liquor. There has been a tremendous increase in the demand for liquor and wine of all major brands like Rum, Gin, Vodka, Whiskey and Brandy.

The sale of liquor continued during the Corona period, but there was a decrease in the sale of premium liquor. Now business has improved. Vinod Giri, president of the Confederation of Indian Alcoholic Beverages Companies (CIABC), was quoted by the Economic Times as saying that behind the increase in the demand for premium liquor, people’s income has been increasing.

Earlier there used to be loss due to these reasons.

Vinod Giri said, “India has never had an issue in terms of demand but has suffered in the past either due to supply issues, tax changes or the route-to-market model.” He further said, “In 2022, we do not see any major disruption on the supply side, which has led to an uptick in sales.” Please tell that at this time the sale of premium (expensive) liquor is increasing in the market.

every 5th bottle of whiskey premium

According to the report, the premium portfolio accounted for 20 per cent of the whiskey sold last year. Meaning that every 5th bottle of whiskey was of premium category. Last year such sales were not seen in this category. Vinod Giri said, “The growth in premium products was fastest with their portfolio now accounting for a fifth of all whiskey sold in India.”

Gin sales up 65%

According to the report, the sale of White Spirit has increased rapidly at this time. Last year, an 11 per cent increase was registered in the sale of whiskey and brandy, while there was an increase of 18 per cent in the sale of rum. Vodka sales increased by 25% and Gin sales increased by 65%. Both of these are white spirits. “We see a very strong premiumization story and growth and are confident that fundamental growth will continue,” said Hina Nagarajan, managing director, United Spirits in the report.

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