‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

Just imagine for once, there is an alien city somewhere far away in space and from there they are looking at our Earth through an advanced telescope. What can you see? Would they be able to see life, intelligence or civilization on our Earth? Will they be trying to contact us or will they try to quietly absorb?

ZN Usmanov of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in his ‘Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations’ (Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?) It is written in the research, in which the alien technology was studied by the extraterrestrial civilization to carry out activities on Earth. They report that their activities are only 3,000 light years away from Earth, but are they spying on us? Very interesting revelations were made in his research on this matter.

‘Humans are 400 years older than us…’ The man who came after staying on an alien ship for 3 months, said – hundreds of ruins will be found in space

watching us for 3,000 years
He told that since aliens are 3,000 light years away from us, they cannot track our current activities. There can even be a delay of at least 3,000 years due to the time it takes for light to travel through space.

our ancestors are
So it could be that the aliens who are currently tracking us are probably our ancestors. The study suggests that they may have been looking at Roman, Yemeni, Indian and Egyptian civilizations. They will be watching the construction work of the Colosseum, the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal and other ancient wonders. They would have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the spread of religions, the development of writing and the emergence of art and culture.

No information about internet
Aliens will not be able to see the present Earth with our modern cities, technology and challenges. They may not yet have received information about the Industrial Revolution, World War, space exploration or climate change. They may not know about the internet, smartphones, social media or memes. They won’t be able to talk with us, or receive our signals, or send us messages.

no signs of life
This may be why, despite decades of tireless efforts, we have still not found any signs of alien life. Perhaps they are far away from us, or are very advanced in technology, or are not willing to notice us. On the other hand, it may motivate us to keep sending signals in case, someday, someone catches this signal and responds.

looking at our civilizations
The study concludes that aliens are observing our civilizations with advanced technology, but with a gap of 3,000 years. This means that we are not alone in the universe, but we are not yet in harmony with our cosmic neighbors. We are living in a different time, in a different reality, in a different history.

Tags: ALIENS, America, world ufo day

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