UP News: Professor of Aligarh Muslim University has claimed that despite the extreme heat this time, there will be severe winter in the coming time. According to the professor, this time the 25 year record of winter may be broken. Along with this, he has also given indications of various changes in the weather. He said that this time it was warmer than expected but soon there will be bone-chilling cold.
Dr. Saleha Jamal, Associate Professor of Geography Department of AMU, has given many arguments regarding her claim. He said that this is the effect of La Nina in the Pacific Ocean. Due to low temperature and high air pressure here, La Niña effect is seen in the Pacific Ocean. It is worth wondering how much the cold will increase after the torrential rains. This question is in everyone’s mind.
This time winter may break records
Geologists of AMU say that cold may cause trouble in the times to come. Due to drop in temperature and high air pressure, La Nina in the Pacific Ocean affects the entire North India. For this reason, there will be severe cold this time and the record of the last 25 years will also be broken. Which has a direct impact on North India. This is a cycle, whose changes show such effects.
AMU professor said that its maximum impact will be visible on crops like Rabi and Kharif. Hot winds and rains will trouble farmers in March and April. Professor Dr. Saleha Jamal said that winds from the Pacific Ocean blow towards the west parallel to the equator. These winds carry warm water from South America to Asia. El Nino and La Nina are two opposite effects. Which also affects the weather, forest fires and economy of the entire world.
Change in weather due to the effect of La Nina
He told that the weather of every corner of the world definitely affects other places directly and indirectly in some way or the other. But, India’s monsoon is based on the climate of the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, changes in its weather directly affect India. Dr. Jamal said that La-Nina and El-Nino are two opposite phenomena, which impact not only India but also global weather, forest fires and economy.
Generally these incidents last for 9 to 12 months and sometimes their effects last for a long time. There is no fixed interval between these, but they come between every 2 to 7 years. Dr. Jamal said that due to La Nina, apart from extreme cold, incidents like drought and irregular rains can also be seen in India. This time the severity of cold is expected to be more severe.