Almonds Benefit Eating Bitter Almonds Can Be Harmful For The Body

Almonds Benefits To Health: Cashew, almond, walnut are considered dry fruits. It is very beneficial for health. Doctors recommend keeping cashews, almonds, walnuts in the diet every day. Almond is also useful to keep health fit. But do you know that almonds do not only benefit. If it is not eaten after thinking, then it can have very serious disadvantages. A little carelessness in eating it can be heavy on life. In such a situation, think for a few moments before eating almonds.

First know, how healthy are almonds

Almond is seen as a healthy dry fruit. It is rich in healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, vitamin-E, phosphorus and copper. After going into the body where it boosts the immune system rapidly. At the same time, it works to increase the glow and weight on the face. All almonds are same in size and colour. In such a situation, it cannot be identified that which almond can prove to be harmful for health. Today let’s try to know that which type of almond is harmful for health.

If you have bitter almonds then eat them carefully.

All almonds are same. In such a situation, it is difficult to identify which almond is not right by looking at them. We are going to tell you that you cannot identify whether almond is bad or not from its appearance, but it can be known by testing it. If almonds are slightly sweet and tasty to eat, then there is no harm in them. But if it is bitter then it needs to be eaten carefully.

Bitter almonds can make cyanide in the body

There is a hidden logic behind the bitterness of almonds. Actually, those almonds are bitter. Amygdalin levels are high in them. As soon as this type of almond is eaten, it can break down in the body and turn into cyanide. Eating it can also kill. If you have accidentally eaten bitter almonds, then you should spit it immediately.

Research has also come to the fore

According to media reports, in the year 2011 a study was published in Clinical Toxicology. It was revealed that eating bitter almonds can produce cyanide in the body. A group of 10 people was formed and testing was done on them. People who ate bitter almonds. He immediately started having vomiting, dizziness, severe headache and other problems. However, he was cured by giving immediate treatment. Experts told that bitter almonds can cause poison in the body.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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