Amazing! A house worth 45 lakhs for ghosts, a car worth 45 lakhs bought for roaming around, this game was going on in MP for 7 years

Jabalpur. Does anyone buy a house worth Rs. 45 lakhs for ghosts and a car to roam around…? You must be wondering! But this is what happened in Jabalpur, MP. Where due to superstition, a thug kept robbing the family of a retired officer for 7 years. This web of superstition was woven by a 10th pass thug and the family kept getting trapped in this web of superstition and lost about one crore rupees.

The surprising thing is that two real brothers and their friend were also involved in this gang. In this digital age, they duped the family of crores of rupees in the name of ghosts and tantra-mantra. The four accused carried out the incident by claiming that there was a ghost in the house of the victim family. Let us tell you that the victim family met through social media. Where the accused had described themselves as experts in astrology.

The game of Tantra-Mantra was going on for 7 years
Actually, the game of cheating based on superstition had started in 2016. Where the family of retired Anantara officer Gulabchand fell into the trap of fraudsters Arun and Varun. Due to which the fraudsters kept cheating for 7 years. Where both the brothers Arun and Varun, along with their friend Sachin Upadhyay, used to tell new stories to the family every day. Along with this, they used to play games by citing communication with Tridandi Swami. Then they came across the story of 14 ghosts haunting the family’s house and land. The retired officer got scared after listening to these stories. The fear was so severe that he could not sleep during the day and night.

Both brothers are absconding, friend was caught
After this, the accused pressurized the family and said that they will exorcise the ghosts. For this, they even took the retired officer Gulabchand’s house worth Rs. 45 lakhs as donation and said that the ghosts are shifting to that house. To prevent the ghosts from returning, they also made the retired officer buy an SUV car worth Rs. 40 lakhs. So, when the retired officer lost crores of rupees, then a report was lodged in Gorabazar police station. Where the police arrested the fraudster Sachin Upadhyay and sent him to jail. But the mastermind of the fraud, 10th pass Shanti Nagar resident Arun Dubey and his younger brother Varun Dubey are absconding. They are being searched for.

The profiles of the accused are like this
Arun Dubey:He was the main leader of the gang. He has studied till 10th standard. He is good at deceiving people by luring them with his words. Arun used to do all the planning and send requests through social media. At present Arun is out of police custody.

Varun Dubey:The main accused Arun Dubey’s younger brother is Varun Dubey. He used to get the pujas done with his brother. He also used to help in cheating. Varun is an expert in chanting tantra-mantra. Varun used to play the role of deciding how the puja would solve the problem. Currently, Varun is also out of police custody.

Sachin Upadhyay: Arun Dubey and Varun Dubey are neighbours. They took the help of their friend Sachin Upadhyay to deceive the victim’s family. Sachin has studied till 12th standard. He used to work in a private job. He had left his job due to unemployment. He used to live with both of them and do as they said and used to take 10% share in the fraud.

Tags: Amazing news, Jabalpur news, Local18, Mp news, Mp viral news

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