amazing-sea-cow-fossil-that-was-killed-by-ancient-crocodile-then-eaten-by-tiger-shark – News18 Hindi

The remains of the carcasses of ancient animals buried in the ground provide very unique information. Scientists call these remains fossils. Their discovery and study has given us a lot of information about those dinosaurs which we have never been able to see. Sometimes some fossils are found that give very surprising information. Recently, in a shocking fossil, scientists have found that a prehistoric sea cow was hunted by two hunters.

After studying this unique fossil, they found that both an ancient crocodile and a tiger shark had attacked a sea cow one after the other. The fossil remains of the sea cow show that it was first killed by a crocodile and then eaten by a tiger shark.

The discovery was made in a village in Venezuela when a local farmer informed authorities about the presence of some strange rocks in his fields. The fossils were found to be well-preserved as they were buried in fine sediment.

Scientists found marks of attacks by two animals in the skeleton of the sea cow. (Symbolic picture: Cnava)

The sea cow skeleton bears distinctive tooth marks and is a rare example of a single animal being attacked by two predators during the early to middle Miocene epoch (23 million to 11.6 million years ago).

This study was recently published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in which deep teeth marks on the front part of the sea cow’s mouth indicate that the crocodile first grabbed its face and tried to suffocate it. After this, it did a move that crocodiles still do today to kill their prey. More cuts on the cow show that the crocodile dragged its prey and put it to death.

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The cow’s skeleton had several bite marks as well as a tiger shark’s tooth. These sharks are known to scavenge for food and are called the “garbage bins of the ocean.” Evidence found on the sea cow suggests that they were lazy predators even millions of years ago.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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