Amazing… This girl has not eaten food for 23 years, still she is completely fit, even doctors are surprised- Aligarh’s Krishna Sharma has not eaten food for 23 years, still healthy and active

Aligarh: It is said that if someone is born with supernatural powers, he is considered to be an incarnation of God. A girl from Aligarh is living a similar life. 23-year-old Krishna Sharma, who lives in the Sarsaul area here, has surprised everyone with her unique diet and lifestyle. She claims that she has never eaten food since birth, yet she is completely healthy and active. Her lifestyle remains a mystery for the world of medicine and science.

This extraordinary story of Krishna Sharma is not only shocking for his family and neighbors, but is also making medical experts and researchers think. While food is considered the main source of energy and nutrition for a common man, Krishna’s lifestyle challenges this belief.

unique lifestyle
Krishna Sharma said that she has not eaten food since childhood. She survives only on fruits and juices. She says that if she eats anything made from food, her health deteriorates. Once her father tried to feed her roti, due to which her health deteriorated so much that she had to be admitted to the hospital.

God Bless
Krishna believes that her extraordinary diet is due to God’s blessings. She has deep faith in God and is a devotee of Maa Vaishno Devi. She said, “I never feel hungry for food and neither have I ever eaten food. I never feel any weakness or illness.”

Education and future plans
Krishna Sharma has completed her B.Tech degree in Computer Science from Vivekanand College, Aligarh and is now preparing for IAS. Her dream is to become a collector one day. She is the second among six siblings in her family. Her father Dhirendra Sharma runs a small transport business, while her mother Rekha Sharma is a housewife.

Opinion of doctors
Commenting on this unique condition, Dr Vikas Malhotra from Aligarh said that if a person uses only fruits, nuts, juice and lemonade in his diet, then he can survive even without eating food. However, Krishna’s condition is rare and unique, which can be a subject of study in the field of medicine.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Local18

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