Ambani Family Event: Salman Khan celebrated his birthday in Jamnagar amidst high security. During this time his entire family was seen. Videos of Salman Khan’s birthday celebration are being discussed on social media. Now Salman also participated in the event of Ambani family held in Jamnagar. Many videos of this event have surfaced.
Salman Khan met Shloka Mehta
It can be seen in the video that Salman Khan reaches the event and greets Nita-Mukesh Ambani’s elder daughter-in-law Shloka Mehta with a hug. In this video, Salman Khan is seen wearing black trousers. With this he paired a yellow colored shirt. Whereas Shloka Mehta was wearing a sky blue color suit. Shloka Mehta greets Salman and welcomes him.
It is known that after celebrating his 59th birthday, Salman Khan also went to the mall of Jamnagar. During this time Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani were also seen. Salman Khan launched the teaser of the upcoming film Sikandar in the mall. The public went crazy after seeing Salman Khan. Salman also met the fans.
Salman said from the stage- ‘You guys are so lucky that you live in Jamnagar. I keep coming here but you are settled here. This is such a beautiful place. It’s like heaven. Is heaven like heaven? I’m jealous of you guys.
On the work front, Salman Khan will be seen in the film Sikandar. The teaser of the film has been released.