America First Time In American History Two Women Signature On Dollar Note Released

American Dollar: Women from all over the world are planting flags in every field. Women are not dependent on anyone for their identity, rather women are writing their own future. In this episode, the signatures of two women of America were printed on the currency dollar of America, this has happened for the first time in American history. One of these two women is American Finance Minister Janet Yellen and Treasurer Marilyn Malerba.

According to the news, the signature of Janet Yellen and Marilyn Malerba has been printed on another five dollar currency in America. These dollars with the signatures of both these women have been released on Thursday. After the release of the signature on the note, Finance Minister Janet Yellen said that it is a tradition under which the signature of the country’s finance minister is on the US dollar. However, this is happening for the first time in American history when a female finance minister has taken over.

signatures were bad before us
Finance Minister Janet Yellen disclosed that two of my colleagues who were finance ministers before me were Tim Gaither and had bad signatures that people used to make fun of them. Janet Yellen further said that Gaither had to change his signature to make it look valid. Janet said, I have practiced my signature a lot.

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Notes will come in circulation from 2023
US Finance Minister Janet Yellen said, this is not a matter of me or the new signature on the currency. This is linked to our collective work to make our economy more robust and inclusive. At the same time, the US Finance Department says that these new notes will reach the Federal Reserve in December. With this, these notes will come into circulation in the country from the beginning of 2023.

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