America: Theft in Hindu temple of America, people of Indian community in panic

America: An incident of theft has come to light in a Hindu temple in Texas, America. Due to this, the people of the Indian community living there are very angry. It is being told that thieves have stolen valuable things from the temple. People of the Hindu community are seeing this as an attack on themselves. 

According to media reports, the incident is of January 11. When there was a theft in Shri Omkarnath Temple in Brazos Valley of Texas. Srinivas Sunkari, a member of the board of the Brazos Valley Shri Omkarnath Temple, told that this is like an attack on us. Significantly, this is the only Hindu temple in the Brazos Valley where thieves have carried out the incident. If reports are to be believed, the thieves had entered the temple through the window to steal. From where they took away the valuables of the temple including a donation box and a vault. 

Enhanced Security 

According to media reports, the security of the temple has been increased since the incident, as well as the members of the temple have demanded more security from the local leaders. Brazos County Sheriff’s Police, on the other hand, say they are investigating the theft.

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