Among Muslims there are Ashraf and Ajlaf Know which castes come among them

It is said in India that a person of every caste finds a caste lower than his own., The saying seems innocent considering the caste system in our country., Whether Hindu or Muslim in our country, Caste system is seen in both, While division into upper and lower castes is seen among Hindus, such caste system exists among Muslims also., Ashraf castes among Muslims, divided into Ajlaf and Arjal, Let us know what this is,

What is Ashraf among Muslims?, meaning of ajlaf and arjal,

ashraf muslim, these are the muslims, Those who are related to foreign countries according to the present time, They are divided into four major castes, first syed, second sheikh, Third Pathan and Fourth Mughal,

Syed, Those who are considered to be related to the family of Prophet Muhammad, In a way they are their descendants, the second one is Shaikh, Who were related to the Quraish of Arabia ,clan, is considered from, Whereas Pathans are believed to be related to the area around Afghanistan., Whereas the Mughals are believed to be related to the Mughal emperor Babur., who came with him to India,

Ajlaf Muslim, tailor in ajlaf muslim, Washerman, dhuniya, cushion, Fakir, Carpenter,blacksmith, barber ,Barber, Weaver, Junkyard, Potter, Kanjra, Mirasi, Manihar, People of Teli community come,

Arjal Muslim, These include those Dalits who accepted Islam., such as halalkhor, Posture, Hasnati, red baggi, scavenger, nut, Gadheri etc,

Many people changed religion,

In fact, when Muslim rulers came to rule in India, things became different.,People of different religions changed their religion and adopted Islam, A large number of people were involved in this who were harassed on the basis of caste., who were exploited on the basis of religion, However, Sufi saints are also considered to have an important role in converting many people.,

1990 In the 1970s, there were movements among Indian Muslims regarding casteism and its elimination., Although there are always debates and questions on this, Muslims and especially economic, Commissions have been formed keeping in mind the socially backward Muslims., Who also did many works and research, Although a permanent solution was never found,

Also read: Which Muslims of India get reservation? Is the system divided according to caste?

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