Anam Sheikh Video Pakistani lawyer said we consider India as our enemy real issue is Kashmir

India-Pakistan: A Pakistani actor has said that Pakistan has nothing of its own yet. People of Pakistan believe in Indian culture only, everything here is like India. On this, a Pakistani lawyer said that it is true that Pakistan does not have its own culture, but we consider India an enemy country because India considers us an enemy. Pakistani lawyer said that the real issue of fight between the two countries is Kashmir.

Actually, Pakistani YouTuber Anam Shaikh was talking to Pakistani people about India and Pakistan. During this he said that when there is no difference in the culture of India and Pakistan then why are we fighting? Anam Sheikh said that today Pakistan has become the enemy of all Muslim and European countries, on the other hand, despite the Ladakh dispute, India is doing business with China. On this the Pakistani lawyer said that Kashmir is a big issue for Pakistan, nothing is going to happen until it is resolved.

Pakistanis take the name of Narendra Modi
The Pakistani man said that today India is moving forward and Pakistan is moving backward. The rulers of Pakistan should make such policies which will lead to the progress of the country. He said that every old and young person of Pakistan watches Indian films, no one knows about Pakistani cinema. The man said that India has better relations with Afghanistan than the temple in Dubai. Narendra Modi Has inaugurated. India is doing business with all the countries including America, China, Russia.

problem of our culture in pakistan
Another youth said that Pakistan is only after its culture, due to which Pakistan is not able to develop. At the same time, a Pakistani elder said that Israel is oppressing Palestine, the day Pakistan government announces that Israel should step back, from that day no country will have the courage to oppress the Muslim country.

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