‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ REVIEW: Well written, but still a weak series

‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ REVIEW: It has become a common thing for any married man to have an affair with his co-worker. In most cases, wives forgive their husbands only because they blindly trust their husbands or they think that even after doing everything, he comes back to me and the children only. Men either outright lie in such cases or say that it happened only because of stress. Many great men blame their wives that you are busy with the kids and you have no time for me.

In every case, all the men stand together to prove the man innocent because they also have their own kind of secrets and usually women protest a little but that protest is symbolic or has no power. The end of love affair with one’s co-worker never seems to turn into co-worker marriage and no official name is given to such relationships. A golden opportunity for a co-worker to get close to her boss, instead of love, it is considered a ladder to success and the blame lies on the co-worker.

It has also been found in psychological studies that girls have a special attachment to powerful men, and they are quickly influenced by men sitting in power positions. This is just a data, but there can be some truth in it too. A few years ago, seeing the increasing number of such cases and seeing the exploited girls breaking up or ending their careers, their lives, the “Me Too” campaign was also started, but its effect was short-lived. The web series of the same name based on Anatomy of a Scandal, the third and most successful novel by Sarah Hall (Sarah Vaughn), who worked as a political reporter in Britain’s newspaper The Guardian, was recently released on Netflix. Here is a thrilling story on the fallout from one such scandal.

This novel, published in 2010, has been translated into 22 languages ​​so far and making a TV series on it was considered almost certain as soon as the novel hit the market. Taking inspiration from her experiences at The Guardian, Sarah created this novel. This novel, which is read like an exciting thriller, is actually a raw piece of disgusting truth that has been hidden behind the political veil of Britain for years. The web series, although it is only of 6 episodes, but due to some unnecessary scenes, it seems long and the audience gets bored in between.

A British government minister’s love affair with one of his colleagues brings a storm in his political and family life. A big shock comes when that colleague accuses the minister of rape in the court. The case is heard, the ministry is taken from the hands of the minister and his wife also starts looking at her husband with suspicion. As the story progresses, the minister’s past becomes involved in the case, and although the minister is acquitted of rape, his wife is deeply pained by the story in the pages of his past and leaves him. Is.

Rupert Friend played the role of the minister. His work in the famous web series Homeland has been highly appreciated. Rupert is a handsome man but his acting has not been very special in this series. This person sitting after breaking ties with his past, counts each day as a new life. He is a politician, a minister and therefore habitually tells lies. Gets embroiled in a scandal but shows slight tension on his face. The role of his wife is played by Sienna Miller, who has been looking for a good role for many years. Perhaps this role will prove to be helpful for him in changing the direction of his career.

Sienna is talented, she has been nominated for acting awards many times but still it seems that her talent is not utilized properly. His character in Anatomy of a Scandal has many different shades and hence he has high hopes from this web series. Director SJ Clarkson has done one thing very well, he has kept a lot of twists and turns in this series. In every episode, it seems that the case is over, but only then something from the minister’s past or an incident from his wife’s memory complicates the matter. The court scenes are amazing. The cinematic style is also different, the character goes into the past while testifying in the court, and this has not been shot in a different shade or flashback in any other style.

The haste to declare the minister innocent has been beautifully shown by the cross-examination on the different meanings of the word “consent” in the court case. Both the jury and the judge are present in the case but they do not have any serious role. The minister’s lawyer (Josette Simone) and the girl’s lawyer (Michelle Dockery) are fighting against each other in court but outside they are good friends. Casting female characters as both lawyers and then showing their mutual friendship is a great idea, both from the point of view of the writer and the director. Johan Soderquist, who has composed music for several television series, composed the music keeping in mind the elegance of the occasion. In many places, instead of dialogues, only music seems to speak. Balazus Boligo’s cinematography captures the beauty of Britain as well as the importance of each scene. The color palette is like the cold weather of London, a little cheery but mostly destroys the mood. This color palette has been perfect in this kind of drama.

Anatomy of a Scandal could have been called a great web series but it was based on a book, so hands are tied at some places. There is no scope to go too far from the plot. The thing that viewers are not able to connect themselves with this series is that the story of the rape accused girl has been ended only in her court testimony. His past, his thinking, his personality… everything is missing from this series. It is understandable that the audience always wants to hear the story of the victim so that they feel that their opinion is formed after listening to all the parties. The audience has not got that opportunity in this web series, so despite having good writing, the series is weak. You can watch on weekends but it will not happen at all that you will see any unexpected thing.

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Tags: Reviews, Web Series

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