Ancient Egyptian Screaming Woman Mummy Advance Technology 3500 Year Old Scientists

Egypt Screaming Mummy: Scientists found an ancient mummy in 1935 and after seeing it, everyone was shocked because after seeing the mummy, it was found that the mummy must have died in great pain. This mummy was 35 thousand years old and looking at it, it seemed as if it was screaming.

Scientists were most surprised to see the expressions on the face of that woman because the mouth of that mummy was open. After this, scientists named this mummy Screaming Woman. Now scientists have found out the life and death of this mummy using advanced technology.

A big revelation happened in this study

According to the report published in Live and Science, advanced scanning techniques have shown that the woman must have been lying face up and her legs and hands must have been straight. Not only this, many of the woman’s teeth were broken and her height must have been 5.05 feet. Researchers have revealed this in a new study about this mummy, which has been published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.

‘Death must have been very painful’

According to Dr. Sahar Salim of Ciaro University, the woman’s open mouth must have been due to cadaveric spasm. This is a condition in which a person’s muscles suddenly become stiff at the time of death. Along with this, Sahar said that the woman must have died in a very painful and horrific manner.

This death was so painful that she must have started screaming and her muscles must have become stiff. She must have been left in this condition. However, the cause of the woman’s death could not be ascertained.

Dr. Sahar Saleem further says that everything was present in the mummy’s body – kidneys, heart, brain, liver, intestines, etc. She says that the most surprising thing is that in those times, all the organs were removed except the heart. Right now scientists are doing research on this mummy.

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