apart from covid serum institute of india manufactured tetanus toxoid diphtheria measles mumps rubella and hepatitis b

Serum Institute of India is a years old company. This company has been making a lot of headlines since the time of the Corona epidemic. Earlier, it came into the discussion for making the Corona vaccine that this company is walking hand in hand with the government in the war against the Corona epidemic.

Serum Institute of India was in the news a few days ago for this reason

A few days ago, the Serum Institute of India was in the news because people have seen dangerous side effects of the corona vaccine they have made. Actually, the whole matter is that ‘Serum Institute of India, Oxford University and AstraZeneca’ have jointly made the corona vaccine ‘Covishield’. The owner of AstraZeneca admitted in the UK court that the vaccine can have side effects in the rarest of the rare cases. During this time, problems like blood clots, heart attack can occur in the body.

Now it is a matter of whether the side effects of Covishield are visible on the body or not, but today through our article we will tell you in detail which vaccines are made by Serum Institute apart from Covishield.

When was the Serum Institute established?

Serum Institute of India was founded 54 years ago i.e. in 1966 by Cyrus Poonawala. He is the father of Adar Poonawala, who is currently the owner of Serum Company. This holding company was a company of Poonawala Investment and Industries. Cyrus Poonawala is also called the Vaccine King.

Serum Institute vaccine is used in 170 countries of the world

Spread over 100 acres, this company makes vaccines for different diseases every year. It makes approximately 1.3 billion vaccines every year. According to the company, the vaccines made at the Serum Institute are used in approximately 170 countries of the world.

Polio vaccine

This company is mostly known for making polio vaccine. It has played an important role in the campaign against polio. This company has claimed on its website that it has given vaccine to about 65 percent of the children across the world.

Apart from Covid and polio, for which diseases does Serum Institute make vaccines?

According to a BBC report, the Serum Institute of India Company manufactures vaccines like tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (DPT), snakebite vaccine, BCG vaccine to prevent tuberculosis, hepatitis B vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, rubella (MMR) vaccine, measles and mumps vaccine.

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