Aplastic anemia can cause cancer, know what to do to avoid it

Aplastic Anemia: Lack of blood in the body is the problem of anemia. This problem occurs due to low level of hemoglobin, hence blood deficiency in the body should not be taken lightly, because this problem caused due to lack of hormones and blood can also be aplastic anemia, which occurs in two to three years. It appeared for the first time only a year ago and is more dangerous than anemia. In Aplastic Anemia Risk Factors, the body stops producing new blood cells.

There is difficulty in producing blood in the bone marrow, due to which one feels weakness and tiredness. If it is ignored for a long time, it can also cause cancer. In such a situation, let us know everything about aplastic anemia…

What are the symptoms of aplastic anemia?
1. Fatigue
2. Trouble breathing
3. Sudden increase in heartbeats
4. Yellowing of the skin
5. Frequent infections
6. Bleeding from nose and gums
7. Dizziness
8. Headache or fever

What causes aplastic anemia?
​Stem cells in the bone marrow produce red cells, white cells and platelets, but in case of aplastic anemia, the stem cells start getting damaged, due to which the bone marrow becomes empty. Due to this, bleeding starts without stopping and the risk of infection increases. Chemotherapy, pregnancy, exposure to toxic chemicals, viral infections, use of certain medications, autoimmune problems and non-viral hepatitis can also be the causes of aplastic anemia.

Types of aplastic anemia
1. Acquired aplastic anemia- When the immune system becomes weak, acquired aplastic anemia occurs. Chemotherapy and HIV are the main reasons for this.
2. Inherited Aplastic Anemia – It is caused due to gene defect, children and youth are the biggest victims. There is a risk of leukemia and cancer due to this.

treatment of aplastic anemia
1. If the condition is not serious, the doctor can give medicines to increase blood production in the bone marrow.
2. In case the blood count is very low, stem cell transplantation can be done to increase the body’s ability to produce blood cells.
3. If transplant is not the best option, then doctors can give medicines to prevent the body from attacking the bone marrow.

What to do and what not to do in aplastic anemia
wash hands frequently
avoid crowds
Consult a doctor before going to a high altitude place.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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