Are all blue eyed people in the world related to each other? Revealed in the research, told the descendant of the same man!

Whenever we talk about the beauty of a person and his beautiful looks, the first feature that comes to mind is blue eyes. According to the reports of Auckland Eye and Mississippi Eye Care website, only 8-10 percent of people in the world have blue eyes. If your eyes are also blue, then understand that you are one of those very special and selected people whose eyes are light in color. But recently a research done in Denmark has done a research on people with blue eyes, which has revealed a big secret of the eye.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, according to a research conducted at the University of Copenhagen, all the blue-eyed people in the world are related to each other (Blue eye people ancestor of 1 person). There is a possibility in the research that they are relatives of each other. The reason for this has been told that all the blue eyed people in the world today are the descendants of only one man who must have been born on this earth 6 thousand to 10 thousand years ago.

Blue eyes are caused by the block of a gene. (Representational photo: Canva)

How do you get blue eyes?
The color of the eyes depends on the genes of humans. The layer that is in front of the pupil of the eye, the amount of melanin present in it also determines this color. The HERC2 gene is found in millions of blue-eyed people around the world. This gene blocks the OCA2 gene, which is present in everyone’s eyes. Because of this the color of the eye becomes blue. The OCA2 gene determines how much brown color will be in the eyes. Due to its blockage, the color of the eye becomes lighter.

blue eyes passed from one person to the next generation
Scientists found that the HERC2 gene is passed from one generation to another, due to which it is present in today’s people as well. But the surprising thing is that scientists have claimed that it is passing from one person to the next generation. If blue eyed people look at their genealogy, they are related to each other. Earlier researchers believed that if both the parents have blue eyes, then the child cannot have brown eyes. But now research has claimed that parents with blue eyes can also have brown eyed children.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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