Are insects really attracted towards light, research has revealed such a reason, you might not have even thought about it

Insects are attracted towards light. It is also considered a scientific fact that they are attracted towards the brightness of light, just as moths are seen to be attracted towards a burning candle. If you also believe that this is right, then you need to read this report completely because a recent research has come out with such results which seems to prove this belief wrong.

The reality is that why insects are attracted towards artificial light, this puzzle has been troubling scientists as well as poets for a long time. Now a study by the Bioengineering Department of London Imperial College has thoroughly investigated this topic and has shown that in reality insects are not attracted towards the glow of light.

Earlier, many reasons were given, of which the most important reason was said to be attraction towards brightness. Research has found that artificial light at night actually spoils the navigational system of insects and does not attract them. Rather they consider that light as the sky.

Actually, night light confuses insects. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

The researchers recorded the movements of insects in the laboratory using techniques such as stereo videography, understood their behavior in different lighting conditions and obtained results through computer analysis. It was found that insects are not attracted towards light. After coming near the light source, they remain near it and get trapped.

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In the study, the researchers found that the insects position themselves in the light in such a way that the direction of the light is towards their back. But this method fails in artificial light, because they keep trying to adjust themselves to the direction of light. And keep circling around the same source again and again. This research has also broken the notion that insects go towards artificial light out of greed to gain heat. That means now we have to improve our views on this matter!

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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