Are you afraid of being without a mobile phone? Then you are a victim of a disease, you will find many patients around you, you will be surprised!

There was a time when there were no smartphones or even simple feature phones. People’s lives were very simple. No one bothered people by calling them all the time, nor did people remain engrossed in their phones all the time. Since the use of phones has increased, people’s worries have also increased. Now the situation has become such that if someone is without his phone, he starts feeling scared, he starts feeling nervous from within. If you also feel the same, then be alert immediately because you are a victim of a disease (Nomophobia disease) which is very rare and there will be many people around you who will be victims of this disease. When you will come to know about this disease, you will be surprised.

This disease is called Nomophobia, that is, the fear of being without a phone. People suffering from this disease are always afraid that they may get away from their phone, or their phone may get stolen. The fear of the phone’s battery running out is also included in this. Along with this, they often fear that the phone will break. This is a type of anxiety that people have about their phones.

I am afraid of losing my phone
Although it is considered a rare disease, but today it has become a very common disease. It happens more to those who are addicted to their phones. According to The Recovery Village website, a research was done on many boys and girls, in which it was found that 23 percent of male students are nomophobic. 77 percent of them look at their phones repeatedly about 35 times a day.

What are the symptoms of the disease?
Talking about the symptoms of Nomophobia, checking the notifications of the phone repeatedly, not being able to switch off the phone, carrying your phone with you everywhere, charging it again and again even after the phone is fully charged, checking again and again whether the phone is with you or not, worrying that something bad will happen to you and you will not be able to call anyone, feeling scared if you are without Wi-Fi or network and being afraid of losing the phone all the time. There are many types of therapies for this disease, from medicines, which teach people that there is life even without a phone, which is not difficult to live.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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