Are you also using olive oil in food? Know when this can become dangerous

Olive oil contains healthy fatty acids which strengthen the body and it also contains abundant amounts of antioxidants. Olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. If you heat it, it can prove dangerous. There is no doubt that olive oil is very healthy. But for your information, let us tell you that due to the unsaturated fats present in it, if it is not good for cooking then it is wrong.

It is perfect for cooking. Extra virgin olive oil is the most stable oil for cooking and can be used up to 400° Can be heated up to 400°F (deep frying is done at 350°-375° F). Even when heated above its smoke point, virgin olive oil has low levels of harmful compounds due to its high amount of antioxidants.

It is dangerous to cook food by heating olive oil 

When olive oil is heated, there is a change in the basic chemical properties of this oil, due to which such factors are generated in it, which, when they reach inside the body, work to increase the number of free radicals in large numbers. . These free radicals stick to the healthy cells inside the body and due to this the cells are not able to do their work properly. If this continues for a long time then many harmful diseases engulf the body. The main problems among them are…

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Blood pressure becomes high (High BP)

Increased risk of cancer

Arteriosclerosis i.e. disease related to arteries

Faster Aging Skin

All these problems increase when you use olive oil by heating it. Or consume this oil by adding it to hot food. Apart from these, another problem is that when olive oil is heated, its toxicity increases but its good properties are lost. That means it is a double loss in a way. While all the qualities of good food were lost, harmful elements also increased in it.

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How to use olive oil?

Olive oil should always be used in things which are eaten at room temperature. For example, you can use it in salad, any healthy mixture, or in food that is eaten cold. If you want to mix olive oil in your daily diet, then keep in mind that you can use it like ghee but your food should not be very hot.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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