Are you cooking food in fake mustard oil? 6 ways to identify pure or impure Mustard Oil in an instant

We all use many types of oils for cooking every day. Some people use refined oil, some olive oil and most people use mustard oil. Cooking vegetables, meat and fish in mustard oil gives amazing taste. Mustard oil has been used for years. However, today food items are being adulterated to such an extent that you don’t even know what is healthy or unhealthy. Some people are adulterating ghee indiscriminately, mustard oil is also not untouched by this. Now those who use mustard oil more, they must know whether mustard oil is real or fake.

How to recognize mustard oil real or fake
1. If you use mustard oil, keep the box of oil in the refrigerator to identify its purity. If there is palm oil in it, it will settle heavily at the bottom of the bottle. Mustard oil will remain on top. Actually, palm oil freezes in a cold place. This is not the case with mustard oil.

2. Apply some mustard oil on feet and hands. If color appears on hands and feet after rubbing it, then understand that it has been adulterated. Pure mustard oil will not have color or chemical smell, but will have a pungent smell, which hits the eyes when heated.

3. Can do barometer test. If the oil is genuine then the barometer reading can be between 58 to 60. If the reading is higher than this then this oil is fake. There may be some other cheap oil mixed in the oil. It is better to buy oil from a good company, which is hall marked. Some shopkeepers also sell oil in open cans. Don’t buy this.

4. Try mixing nitric acid in mustard oil. If there is a change in color then it is fake, otherwise the oil is pure and genuine. A change in color may be seen when nitric acid is added to adulterated oil. This test can be done by adding mustard oil and a few drops of nitric acid in a bowl.

5. When you heat oil in a pan, pay attention to the smoke coming out of it and feel the smell. If strong smoke comes out and eyes burn then the oil may be real. The smell of mustard oil is strong and pungent. The smell of fake oil will not be very strong and strong. There has been some adulteration in it.

6. The color of pure mustard oil is golden and dark yellow, it has shine. The color of fake oil will be lighter in appearance.

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Tags: food, Lifestyle, Mustard Oil, Tips and Tricks

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