Are You Making These Running Mistakes They Could Affect Your Health

Running is a great exercise that not only increases your stamina but also burns calories. But if you are making some common mistakes while running, it can have a bad effect on your health. Whether you jog outside or run on the treadmill in the gym, running in the right form is very important. Running with the right form will give you better results and you will also avoid injuries.

Do a Warm-up
It is very important to warm up the body a little before running, i.e. to warm up. This activates your muscles and prepares them for running. Warming up reduces the risk of injury and helps you run better. Therefore, warm up for a few minutes before running.

Wear the right shoes
It is very important to wear the right and comfortable shoes for running. Wearing the wrong shoes can cause pain in the feet, knees, and ankles and increases the risk of injury. Therefore, always choose shoes that have good support and cushioning while running.

Keep the right posture
While running, your body should be straight and slightly tilted forward. Keep your head straight and shoulders relaxed. This correct posture helps you run better and reduces the risk of injury. With the right position, you can run more comfortably and safely.

Use your hands correctly
It is also important to move your hands properly while running. Instead of letting your hands hang down, keep them between your ribs and chin. This will help you step correctly and maintain balance while running.

Take Small Steps
It is better to take small steps while running. This reduces the pressure on your body, due to which you feel less tired and can run comfortably for a longer distance. Small steps also improve your running technique and reduce the risk of injury.

Focus on the breath
It is important to breathe deeply and slowly while running. This gives your body more oxygen, allowing you to run for longer. Breathing properly increases your stamina and makes you feel less tired, making running easier.

Keep your sights forward
While running, keep your eyes 10-20 feet ahead of the ground. This will maintain your balance and you will be able to run easily. This vision improves your focus, which keeps your body in the right direction while running and you are able to run safely.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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