Astrology tips of honey: Honey is not only for health, honey is also for luck, it has relation with planets

Astrology Tips: Honey is used by most people and it is found in almost all homes. Honey is a naturally occurring sticky and sweet substance, which is made by bees. Honey has been used for years. Honey is no less than a boon as a medicine for health.

Along with this, it is also used in religious activities. It is especially used in Panchkarma. Honey is used in many religious activities, from making Panchamrit to anointing Lord Shiva. Therefore, honey is very useful from a religious point of view as well as health.

But along with health and worship, honey is also beneficial for your luck. Because many of your problems can be solved with the help of honey remedies. Many remedies related to honey have been mentioned in astrology, let’s know about it-

Honey is related to which planet

In astrology, honey is related to Guru Jupiter. However, it is also related to Sun and Mars. Along with this, with the help of honey remedies, Venus defects related to Saturn in the horoscope can be removed.

Honey Remedies

  • If there is a slowdown in business, then mix honey and curd and flow it in a river or pond. This opens new avenues of progress in job and business.
  • If there is an atmosphere of conflict in the house, then all the members should consume honey daily. By doing this, family peace is maintained. If a person has Manglik Dosh, then he should consume honey on Tuesday.
  • Fill a silver bowl with honey and keep it in the prayer room, this will bring positive energy to the house.
  • To get rid of Shani Dosh, fill honey in an earthen pot and offer it in the Shani temple on Saturday. Along with this, you can also donate honey on Saturday. This reduces the effect of Sadesati and Dhaiya.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of belief, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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