Astronomers got the first glimpse of what the Earth will look like after 8 billion years, see the evidence!

Astronomers got the first glimpse of what the Earth will look like after 8 billion years, see the evidence!

We all desire to know about the future. That’s why we go to an astrologer. Show horoscope. Because if we have an idea about the earlier incidents today, then preparations can be made accordingly. But have you ever wondered what the Earth will look like thousands and millions of years from now? Although many time travelers keep making claims about this, there is more rumor than truth in their words. But for the first time astronomers have got such a glimpse of the Earth, which they are surprised to see. Actually, they have found a planet in space, astronomers believe that after 8 billion years our Earth will also look exactly like it.

According to the report of Live Science, this planet named KMT-2020-BLG-0414 has been found 4,000 light years away from the Earth. It is a rocky planet, which is revolving around a white star. This star is blazing like the sun. Scientists estimate that our Sun will also look like this white star after 5 billion years and will shrink and become much smaller. Before that it will turn into a red giant planet. It is possible that it may swallow Mercury, Venus and perhaps even the Earth. But if the Earth survives, it will look like this planet present in space. This research of astronomers has been published in Nature Astronomy.

According to astronomers, after 8 billion years the Earth will be seen revolving around the Sun like this. (Photo_Giuseppe Parisi)

Don’t know whether the earth will survive till then or not…
Keming Zhang, member of the research team and astronomer at the University of California San Diego, said, right now we have no evidence whether our Earth will survive after 6 billion years or not. Or the red giant Sun will swallow it. But if this happens, then long before that the earth will become so hot that the water in the oceans will evaporate. No creatures, trees or plants will survive on earth. Everyone will be destroyed. The Earth will become rocky just like this planet.

This planet was visible in 2020 also
Astronomers first saw this planet in 2020, when it was near the point at the center of our galaxy and passed in front of the light of a star located 25,000 light years away. But due to gravity, its shape is changing again and again, due to which its form has become different. The star it is orbiting is twice as big as the Earth. There is also a brown dwarf planet in this constellation, which is 17 times heavier than the weight of Jupiter.

Tags: Amazing news, science news, Shocking news, trending news, Viral news

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