Attention ! More than 1 billion people are victims of obesity, be careful, otherwise…

Obesity: Overweight and obesity are becoming the biggest problems nowadays. Due to this, many types of chronic diseases are also occurring. This is the reason why this problem is becoming worrisome. Being overweight can also increase the risk of fatal diseases like diabetes, heart disease and heart attack. A recent study has raised serious concerns about this. It has been said that the way obesity is increasing in the world, many serious problems (Obesity Risk Factors) may increase in the future. Let us know why this report is alerting…

what does the report say

A report published in The Lancet Journal has expressed concern about obesity. According to this, the number of children, adolescents and adults suffering from obesity worldwide has increased to more than 1 billion. Researchers have said that the problem of obesity has increased since 1990. People of all ages are falling prey to it. Many problems can occur in overweight people.

The figures are scary

WHO, together with its partners, has prepared a global data. In which it has been estimated that compared to 1990, obesity among children and adolescents has increased four times in 2022, that is, in three decades. This problem has doubled in women and more than three times in men. According to statistics, in 2022, 15.9 crore children and adolescents, while 87.9 crore adults will be struggling with the problem of obesity.

Why is obesity dangerous?

According to health experts, the diseases due to which there is a risk of death or serious problems in the world these days are considered to be caused by excess weight or obesity. Obesity in children can become a very serious problem. This has a direct impact on their life, which can be completely affected. Due to this, heart attack and heart related diseases can also occur. If it is not controlled in time, it can give rise to many major diseases. Therefore, these figures should be considered as a health alert.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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