Ayodhya Ram Mandir Know What Is Yam Niyam Which Pm Modi Following Rules For Ramlala Pran Pratishtha

Ayodhya Ram Temple: grand built in Ayodhya Ram Mandir The inauguration and consecration of the idol of Ramlala will take place on 22 January 2024. The whole country is eager to celebrate this special event. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become the chief host for the idol of Ramlala. There is a rule in the scriptures that the main host of the idol installation has to follow some strict rules, which are called ‘Yam Niyam’.

Prime Minister Modi has pledged to follow Yama Niyama for 11 days and he is following this rule from January 12. But do you know what Yama Niyama is and what rules have to be followed in it, let us know-

what is yama niyama

According to the scriptures, installation of the idol or consecration of the idol is considered a sacred process. Therefore, strict rules have been made for this. These rules are related to the scriptures. Yama Niyama is the first rule among the eight parts of Ashtanga Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Bhajan and Samadhi).

Some people also consider Yama Niyama to be the five principles of Buddhism (non-violence, truth, asceticism, celibacy and non-celibacy). There are strict rules in Yama Niyama like bathing every day, giving up food, giving up sleeping on the bed etc. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also following this religious and classical process with fast and resolution.

Today is the eighth day of PM Modi’s Yama Niyama.

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi is following strict Yama-Niyam for the life of Lord Shri Ram. PM Modi has given up food for the last eight days. The Prime Minister has sacrificed both food and water for this ritual. Instead of water, the Prime Minister is consuming coconut water.
  • Prime Minister following the strict rules of Yama Niyama ritual Narendra Modi The host is following all the necessary rules for the consecration of Ram Lalla and these days he is drinking only coconut water and following all the rules of penance.
  • Along with the 11-day Yam Niyama, the Prime Minister is also performing his official work and travel, especially offering prayers in the temples of the far South. These temples have been important milestones in the life of Lord Ram.

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