Ayodhya Ram Mandir Will Hand Over To Ramanandi Sampradaya Know According To Shastrarth It Is Right

Nowadays, many discussions are being held regarding the replacement of Ram temple, one is that Champat Rai, who is currently the general secretary of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra, says that the Ram temple will be handed over to the Ramanand sect. But why did he talk about handing over the temple to the care of this sect? To understand this, it is necessary to observe a little of its history.

Ramanandacharya has been considered the father of this sect when he prepared the followers of this sect in the fifteenth century, who were basically worshipers of Vaishnava thoughts, especially specific monism. Lord Ram has been worshiped because he is an incarnation of Vishnu.

According to Sant Ank (Kalyan), Ramanand ji’s time was a golden period for the saint community. The words ‘Sadhu’, ‘Saint’ and ‘Mahatma’ started being used for recluses. Jagadguru did the welfare of the world by remaining within himself. He had such nature as well as supernatural power. If ever a worthy person was fortunate enough to have his darshan, it was a divine experience. Despite being in his place, he was always everywhere and despite not being there, he was always everywhere.

He shone in the political field as well as in the religious field. At that time in India, there was a need for the upliftment of Aryan race and Aryan religion as well as for the upliftment of world welfare and religion, Jagadguru was like that. Everyone had great faith in him. Apart from India, saints from countries like Iran and Arabia also used to come to serve him and left with their work completed. Mahatma followers of all sects used to benefit from them. He did not change the sect and made his disciple happy. The power of grace of the Acharyas was widespread, but when necessary, they also used their power of control.

When the cruel rule of Muslim ruler Tughlaq was becoming painful for the Hindus and new atrocities were taking place every day, then Yatiraj ruled him, which became widespread among the Muslims all over India. Tughlaq was forced to apologize to the messenger of Shri Swamiji and had to write a treaty and accept his twelve conditions related to the protection of Hindu religion.

It was the time of Shri Bhagwatpadacharya when the religion was being disintegrated due to the atrocities of the emperor outside and hatred and discord among the sects within. When the Aryan community was facing casualties and its life was in danger, then there was the unimaginable glory of that Mahaprabhu Ramanand who protected them by giving them new life. By eradicating the raging anger and hatred, he established an empire of peace and happiness. In fact Shriyatiraj Maharaj was a great man who pioneered the era. The Satvik era of religious peace dominated by Bhagwat religion, which he introduced, is still going on in the name of Sanatan Dharma. Due to his divine influence, as soon as he appeared, there was such a transmission of Sattva Guna in the outer and inner nature that even the space and time got modified.

Jagadguru Mahaprabhu was ‘beloved by all and benefactor of all’. Vaishnavs, Shaivites and Shaktids also considered themselves ‘Ramanandi’ in their respective forms.

‘Ra’ Shaktiriti Vikhyata ‘M’ Shiva: Parikirtih,
Tadanandi, peaceful mind, happy soul, thoughtful person.
Ramarupasch ‘Ramanandi’ is popular everywhere.

The reason for his universal popularity and global prominence was that he was an empathetic and fearless person who showered compassion everywhere.

Jagadguru Mahaprabhu did three things for the country

Everything is dear, everything is ready.
Mori is equal to all.

Shri Swamiji mainly did three things for the country. First of all, he calmed down the severe communal (domestic) strife. Secondly, the Hindu-exterminating power of Emperor Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq was completely suppressed. Thirdly, the economic crisis of Hindus was also resolved. The time of Samvat 1454 was very difficult for Hindus. In that time of crisis, an almighty saint like Ramanand Mahaprabhu was needed to protect the country and religion.

Ramanand ji used to come out of his sacred cave to take a bath in the Ganga. The number of his disciples was more than five hundred. In that group of disciples, the ones who are especially blessed by the Twelfth Guru are Kabir, Pipa and Raidas etc. The name of this community of Bhagwats is ‘Viraagi’ (Vairagi), the one who renounces the desires of this world and the next world is called ‘Viragi’ in the language.

It is said that the originator (sage) of this sect is Jagjanani (Shri) Sita ji. He first preached to his special servant Parshadrup (Shri) Hanuman (ji) and through that sage (Acharya) that secret (mantra) came to light in the world. For this reason, the name of this sect is ‘Shri Sampraday’ and its main mantra is called ‘Ramtarak’ and that the Guru initiates that sacred mantra in the ear of the disciple and applies Urdhvapundra Tilak in the shape of Lam and Meem on the forehead and other eleven places. .

Tulsi’s ‘diamond’ is woven into a sacred thread and worn around the neck of the disciple. His tongue remains in chanting and his mind remains in seeing the true beloved. It is the tradition of this sect to remain completely engaged in bhajan. Most of the saints lead a soul-loving or supremely humorous life. The following verse from Vaishvanar Samhita is quoted for ritual-subsistence-

जन्तूनां भावसंक्तात्म्य सोऽवातरज्जगन्म्ध्य.

Param Kartun Hi Dharmatma Ramananda Swayam Hari.

Similarly, it has also been said in Agastya Samhitadi.

‘Janma Karma Cha Me Divyam’

This Srimukhvaakya has been literally fulfilled in the life of Jagadguru. His entire life is filled with divinity and supernatural. This was a brief biography of Ramanand ji. It may be an idea to keep the Ram temple under their care, but other sects should not be humiliated, because in this Ram Mandir Almost all sects have contributed to the movement.

Champat Rai’s statement could also mean that the business of the temple trust will be handed over to the devotees of Ram, the whole world is a devotee of Ram. There is no need to make a sesame palm here because the above statement was an answer to a question. The President of the Trust is Nritya Gopal Das who also belongs to the Ramanand sect. Mr. Mahant of Chhoti Chhawni is there. By the way, all the owners of the temple are devotees of Ram. Although everyone has cooperation, but being the president, his cooperation will be considered. Well, everyone has cooperation.

Before that place was demolished, Siyaram Sharan ji used to worship there under the supervision of Hanumangarhi, who belongs to the Ramanand sect. There are three Akharas of Ramanand sect

  1. nirvani
  2. Nirmohi
  3. Digambar

However, all Sanatanis like Shaiva, Shakta etc. have cooperated in the construction of the temple. Thirteen Akharas out of thirteen are invited for the temple replacement and all of them will participate. Three Akharas belong to the Ramanand sect, seven to the Sanyasis, two to the Udasis and one to the Nath sect. The temple is looked after by Nirmohi Akhara only. Ramanujacharya and Ramanandacharya are recluses and Shankaracharya are sanyasis. All sects, especially Vamdevji, have agitated for the temple. Everyone has faced a barrage of bullets.

By the way, the head of Ramanand sect is Jagatguru. At present there are many Jagatgurus, among whom is Rambhadracharya. Swami Anjani Nandan Das, who was associated with Ramanand and Hanumangarhi for many years, also has a huge contribution in this Ram Janmabhoomi movement, he organized “Sitaram Mahayagya” for many years and prayed to the Lord for Ram Janmabhoomi, he remained in Ayodhya for many years. Organized Sitaram Mahayagya and worked to spread the Ramayana story as much as possible. Mahant Nritya Gopaldas ji also played an important role in this movement.

Nritya Gopaldas ji is the head of Maniram Cantonment. Nritya Gopaldas, an elderly saint, has a very sacrificial nature. His place provided all facilities to the devotees during the Ramjanmabhoomi movement. He was the leader of this movement. Service continues there day and night. There is a continuous feast of saints. Everything is free. Valmiki Bhavan is built there where bhajan and kirtan continues. Deenbandhu Hospital was built by him. He is the topmost saint in the society.

After Guru Ramanand ji, many of his followers made successful efforts to increase the number of Ram devotees. He spread the story of Ram all over India. The supremacy of Ramanand sect is famous not only in India but all over the world. In such a situation, Ramanand sect has the right to take care of Ram Mandi temple.

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[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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