Baba Vanga Dangerous Prediction About The Year 2023 There Can Be Havoc In The Whole World

Baba Vanga Predictions 2023: Baba Venga was one of the famous prophets of the world. Baba Venga, a resident of Bulgaria, could not see with her eyes. At the age of 12, Baba Venga lost his eyesight in both eyes. He was born on 31 January 1911 in Strumica, North Macedonia and died on 11 August 1996. It is said that Baba Venga could see the future.

Before his death, Baba Venga had predicted till the year 5079. Baba Venga had made many predictions for the year 2023, some of which have proved to be true and some are yet to come true. If these predictions come true then there can be havoc in the whole world.

Baba Venga’s Predictions for 2023

  • Baba Venga has predicted an explosion in a large nuclear power plant in 2023. Because of this, poisonous clouds will cover the whole of Asia. Baba Venga had also predicted a powerful solar storm for this year which would badly affect the Earth’s climate in 2023.
  • According to Baba Venga’s prediction for 2023, there may be a third world war this year in which nuclear attack can also be done. Due to this war, there can be destruction in the whole world.
  • According to the prediction of Baba Venga, in the year 2023, a big astronomical event will happen, in which there will be a change in the orbit of the Earth. This event will have a deep impact on the environment, which will have serious consequences for the earth.
  • According to Baba Venga’s claim year 2023 There will be many strange scientific inventions. This year some country will discover biological weapons. As a result of this experiment, a large number of people can die.
  • Baba Venga has described 2023 as a year of darkness and tragedy. According to Baba Venga’s prediction, this year India will have unseasonal rains and severe storms will hit many parts.
  • According to the prediction of 2023 natural birth may be banned and babies will be developed in laboratories. Parents will be able to decide their appearance, colour, gender and qualities.

Baba Venga’s predictions for the future

  • For 2024, Baba Venga says that soon China will become the superpower of the world. China will increase its power and might in the whole world. In 2024, China will become a superpower. Next year, due to climate change, global warming and earthquakes, the condition of the earth will be in trouble anyway.
  • Baba Venga has claimed that Europe may be uninhabitable in 2025. In 2028, man will discover a new energy source and walk on Venus. He also claims that time travel will become a reality by 2288. According to Baba’s prediction, there will be no human being on the earth by 3797 and this universe will end by 5078.

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