Baby Shower In House Fire Broke Out Due To Leaking Cylinder Goods Burnt To Ashes

woman showing burnt clothes
– Photo: Amar Ujala


In Aligarh, a fire broke out while cooking food in a house on Thursday in Rasalganj, Rasalganj, Thana Bannadevi area. In the house where the fire broke out, there was a program of a girl’s baby shower. Seeing the fire, the local people started shouting. The police reached the spot and informed the fire brigade.

The fire brigade personnel who reached the spot doused the fire with the help of the local people. The furnishings of the house were burnt to ashes due to the fire. A neighbor woman also got scorched in the incident, who was admitted to the hospital for treatment. Faizan’s son Siraj supports his family by working as a laborer in a fish street.

There was a program of baby shower of sister Farana at home on Thursday. To prepare for the programme, the women were cooking food on the second floor of the house. Suddenly the room caught fire due to leaking gas cylinder. Seeing the fire, there was a cry in the house. People gathered around. As soon as the information was received, the fire engine and police station reached the spot. The locals took out the gas cylinder from the room and threw it in the open space.

The fire brigade personnel with the help of the local people barely brought the fire under control. During this, Saina, a woman from the neighborhood also got seriously burnt. Who was admitted to the district hospital for treatment. According to the relatives, the cost of the burnt goods was one lakh rupees. Inspector Pradeep Kumar told that the house was on fire when the gas cylinder leaked. The fire has been brought under control.

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