Badass Ravi Kumar Trailer: Himesh Reshammiya is in the news these days. He is making a comeback in the world of acting. The trailer of Himesh’s film Badass Ravi Kumar has been released on Sunday. With its release, the trailer is at number 1 on YouTube. This film has been produced by Himesh Reshammiya and its story is also Himesh’s own. The film has been directed by Keith Gomes. The film will be released on 7 February.
Comparison with Ranbir Kapoor
Tremendous action is going to be seen in the film. Himesh himself is seen fighting alone with many goons. He has kept his hair long in his look and is seen doing action with a cigarette in his mouth. You cannot ignore Himesh’s dialogues while doing action. This unseen avatar of Himesh has come into discussion.
Fans are comparing him with Ranbir Kapoor of Animal. Himesh is looking very similar to Ranbir’s look. Glimpses of Animal’s action will also be seen here.
Users are making such comments
Fans are liking the trailer of Himesh’s film a lot. One user wrote – Expectations and reality and trending number 1. Himesh’s power. One user wrote- Bollywood’s last hope. Another user wrote – It will be a hit because of the dialogue. What a comeback. Himesh sir. While writing the dialogue of the film, a user wrote – ‘Sudhar Jaawarna Gujar Jayega’, this was epic. One user wrote- Desi Deadpool. Messiah of Bollywood. Another user wrote- Love it or hate it. But you cannot ignore them. Himesh Bhai Rocks.
Read this also- ‘My values allow dying, not fear…’ Have you heard the dialogues of Himesh Reshammiya’s film ‘BadAss Ravikumar’?