bathroom cleaning tips special tomato recipe to clean the washroom floor corner shining

Everyone wants to make the house beautiful, but to make the house beautiful, it is very important to take care of every small thing. Because sometimes some things reduce the beauty of the house. In such a situation, if you also want to make your house beautiful, then you should take special care of the cleanliness of the bathroom.

Sometimes the house is very beautiful, but the bathroom tiles look yellow, which makes the guests at home frown and this spoils the beauty of your house. If you also want to get rid of these yellow tiles, then you can use tomatoes. The acid present in tomatoes helps a lot in removing light stains.

How to clean bathroom tiles

To clean bathroom tiles, you can make a paste from tomatoes. For this, you have to cut a tomato and make a paste of it. Now apply the paste on the stained area and leave it for some time. After a while, rub the stained area with the help of a soft brush. After this, wash the tiles thoroughly with clean water. This will remove the yellow layer and dirt on the tiles and the tiles will become shiny.

Use of tomatoes

It is very important to keep some things in mind while using tomatoes. Tomato juice is not considered safe for all types of floors. If you use tomato juice on marble, granite and other stones, it can fade the color of the tiles. Apart from this, tomato is not enough to remove oil or grease stains. For this you can try other remedies.

After applying tomato juice, wash the floor thoroughly, otherwise stains will appear. If you have wooden flooring in your house, do not use tomato juice. Otherwise the color of the floor can change. One should also avoid using tomato juice on painted floors, otherwise the floor can get damaged.

use a cleaner

Apart from tomato juice, you can also use good quality cleaner from the market. Apart from this, you can clean bathroom tiles by using vinegar, baking soda and citrus fruit juice like lemon, orange etc. Before using any cleaner, do a test.

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