Be careful! There is a high risk of heart attack on Monday morning, Madhuri Dixit’s husband alerted

Heart Attack Risk on Monday : Renowned cardiothoracic surgeon and actress Madhuri Dixit’s husband Dr. Shriram Nene said that the risk of heart attack is highest on Monday morning. In such a situation, there is a need to be careful. According to statistics, the risk of heart attack increases by about 13% on Monday. This issue has been discussed many times before. In such a situation, let us know why this happens…

what is blue monday
Even before Dr. Nene, there has been a discussion about more heart attacks on Mondays. Earlier, a report by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) also claimed that the risk of heart attack is 13% higher on Mondays. It is also called ‘Blue Monday’.

When do heart attacks occur most often?
It is said that the risk of heart attack is highest between 6 am and 10 am on Monday. However, there is no concrete information about this. It is just an estimate that blood cortisol and hormones are very high when you wake up on Monday morning. The reason for this may be the circadian rhythm, which works to keep the sleep and wake cycle correct. According to experts, changes in the sleep and wake cycle have the greatest impact on health.

Why do heart attacks occur more often on Monday mornings?
Dr Nene said that on weekends, most people watch their favourite shows or go to parties with family and friends. Due to which they sleep late at night. Due to this, their sleeping and waking time is affected and due to changes in the circadian rhythm, there may be lack of sleep on Sunday night, which is also called ‘social jet lag’. Lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep increases blood pressure and cortisol levels, which is the main cause of heart attack.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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