Beautiful views could not be seen from the house, a person sawed 32 trees of his neighbor and lost crores of rupees!

As the earth is becoming vulnerable to climate change, the need to plant more and more trees is also increasing. But some people do not think about the future or this planet, for them making their home beautiful and having beautiful views from home is more important. An American man also did the same last year, when he cut down 32 trees in his neighbor’s house just because he could not see the beautiful view from his house. Was. He did not know that he would be trapped in the process of cutting trees and would lose crores of rupees.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Grant Haber works in a senior position in an anti-terrorism company. His mansion worth billions is in Kinnelon, New Jersey area. The property is in a very open area, from where the New York skyline is visible. But the problem was that right next to them was the property of 40 year old Samih Shinway, on which 32 trees of oak, birch and maple were planted. Without telling anything, without discussing, Grant decided to cut those 32 trees.

Grant Heber, the man who cut the trees, is in a high position in a company. (Photo: Youtube/One America News Network)

cut down trees
When Samih returned to his home on February 27 last year, he heard the sound of walking. Four people had entered his property, who were cutting trees. When he expressed his objection, Grant said that a mistake had been made, he had not asked to cut the tree. But they made it clear that Grant had called them to cut the trees. Grant chased him away from there and started clarifying that he himself is a nature lover.

When Samih Shinwe saw the condition of the house, he felt very sad. (Photo: CNN)

Crores of rupees may have to be paid
Then what, Samih filed a case against Grant. According to the law of the area, Grant was fined $1,000 for each tree. In total he had to pay a fine of 32 thousand dollars (26 lakh rupees). He later got this fine reduced to 13 thousand dollars. But in the hearing held in October last year, the lawyers of the area have accused them that they will also have to pay money to replace the cut trees with new trees. Accordingly, now Grant will have to pay Rs 8 crore.

The next hearing will be held this year
After this hearing, Samih had said that whatever punishment Grant gets, he will not be completely satisfied with it because by cutting the trees, he has caused such damage which cannot be compensated. Now the next hearing of this case will be on April 19 this year. Actually, there is a rule in that area that if a person removes or damages a tree in the area, then he will have to plant a tree of the same species or a tree of a higher species at that place. Apart from this, it will have to be taken care of for the next 2 years, so that it does not wither.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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