Became a millionaire at the age of 29, but got bored of wasting money, now this person wants to live as a poor!

There would hardly be any person in the world who would not want money. A poor man dreams of becoming rich, while a rich man thinks of accumulating more money. But amidst all this, there are some people who like to stay away from the allurement of money. For such people, money is just filth. Recently a person (Millionaire wants to be poor) also said the same thing. This person from America became a millionaire at a very young age.

According to the report of Mirror website, Ben Burns is 29 years old and lives in New York City, America (New York city millionaire wants to be poor). He studied computer science from Coastal Carolina University. He is very knowledgeable about crypto currency. With the help of Bitcoin, he became a millionaire at such a young age. But he is not liking this lifestyle. He says that the whole concept of money is just fun for the rich, but in reality there is no fun in it.

Ben is an expert in crypto currency. (Photo: Instagram/fqlx)

I am not interested in becoming rich
He spends most of his wealth on fast WiFi, diet coke, and luxury gym memberships. Apart from this, he is very fond of guns. He also has a collection of guns worth Rs 41 lakh. He said that being rich is not very good because even though he has money, he spends 99 percent of his time sitting in front of the laptop. He said that his entire focus is only on work, due to this his social life has become useless. According to him, being poor is more fun, because then a person gets time for other things in life. Because of this they want to become poor.

spends money on medicines
He said that he trades crypto currency and when the money comes to his account, he does not get very excited. Winning and losing is a part of trading. He told that he goes to sleep at 5 in the morning and wakes up by 1-2 in the day. He takes about 30 vitamin and supplement pills a day, which costs about Rs 82 thousand. While advising people, Ben said that if a person has only 6 bitcoins, he can easily retire by 2032.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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