Bells ringing in the ears, do not ignore them, a girl made a mistake, and almost saved her life.

A student living in Australia always had a ringing sound in her ears. He thought this was normal. But that day cost her her life. When her neck became stiff, she vomited and fainted. Doctors told that he had fatal meningococcal B bacterial infection. This is a very dangerous infection, which can even lead to death.

According to the report of New York Post, Claudia Gil was 18 years old when meningococcal attacked her body. She had returned from a long vacation in Queensland. His ears started ringing. It was like a bell was ringing from ears to head. The neck became completely stiff. It became impossible to move. After some time she vomited and became unconscious. At one point it seemed that he would die within a few moments. Doctors said that if there had been even a little delay in bringing him to the hospital, there was every possibility that he could not have been saved. Claudia had to spend five nights in the hospital. Had to remain bedridden for several weeks.

headache since last two years
Claudia told that she had been suffering from headache for two years. Sometimes it became terrible. It became difficult to talk. it was very scary. Then suddenly my ears started ringing. Sometimes the ears became numb. It seemed as if someone was ringing a bell inside the head. At first he considered it normal and ignored it. But later it was found out that it was a terrible infection. In this, rashes appear on the body. Start hating the light. Stiffness in the back and neck, nausea, vomiting and severe headache make one helpless. If she had gone to the doctor in the beginning, she might have been saved from this condition.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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