benefits and disadvantages of jaggery during womens period know more

The problem of stomach pain has now become common for women during periods. In such a situation, they take help of medicines, so that they can get relief soon. But taking excessive medicines can be dangerous for our health. You can get relief from period pain without taking medicines.

Let us tell you, jaggery helps in flushing out dirty blood from our body, and it also provides relief from period pain. By consuming it, problems like obesity also go away. In this report we will tell you whether women should eat jaggery during periods or not.

Benefits of eating jaggery during periods

Eating jaggery during periods is considered very good. Jaggery contains nutrients like iron, calcium, phosphorus, which removes anemia and helps in keeping us energetic. Jaggery contains probiotic which helps in improving digestion and also removes stomach related problems. Jaggery has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in reducing pain during menstruation. Jaggery is a good source of glucose, which also removes fatigue and weakness during periods.

its disadvantages

Jaggery contains sucrose in large quantities, due to which it increases the blood sugar level, hence diabetic patients should consume jaggery sparingly. Apart from this, some women suffer from problems like flatulence and gas after eating jaggery. Eating jaggery during periods is beneficial for some women and harmful for others. It depends on your health and symptoms of periods.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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