Benefits Of Self Hugging Know How To Do It Self Care

Benefits Of Self Hugging: A person is full of emotions, he needs the company of his loved ones in happiness or excitement. So that he can share his happiness, troubles and excitement with the person in front, there should be someone whom he can hug and tell all his words. This thing has also been proved in the research that if you take a hug of magic, then you really get benefited. Able to relieve stress. Your mood is good. The feeling of loneliness is less.

But what if there is no one near you, your partner, how to fulfill this need. The answer to this is very simple. The biggest role you play in your well-being is yourself… If you are alone.. not happy, feeling lonely.. then you should hug yourself.Self Hugging Try to apply. It might sound a bit strange, but by doing this you can get many benefits. self hugging (Self Hugging There are many advantages of. This is a very unique way of giving love to yourself. Let us know what are the benefits of self hugging.

What are the benefits of self hugging

1.By embracing yourself, you feel your own strength. Why wait for someone to make you feel better when you can comfort yourself. A 2011 study found that hugging can help reduce pain. In this study, researchers used a laser to give a needle prick sensation to 20 people. When these people held themselves by crossing their arms like hugging someone, they felt less pain. Scientists believe that when there is pain anywhere, you cross your arms, then your brain gets confused as to where the pain is. This gives you relief from pain.

2.When you are in trouble or in stress, then someone who is close to you supports you, then you feel very good. When a caring partner hugs you, you feel at ease and less lonely. In a similar way, hugging yourself can also create a sense of comfort and security. So when you are ever upset and cannot hug someone, you can try this option

3.Someday you get very tired or sad because of work, then in such a situation you should hug yourself. This can make you feel relaxed, because it reduces the level of cortisol hormone in your body.

4.Researchers believe that hugging and caressing oneself increases the feeling of love and affection for oneself. You accept yourself the way you are. It becomes easier to calm yourself even after making mistakes. You start loving yourself

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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