Best Superfoods For People Who Are In Sitting Jobs To Prevent Many Physical And Mental Diseases

Best Foods For Sitting Jobs: Many types of health problems surround people doing sitting jobs. Among these, issues related to muscles, eyes and mental health are most visible. However, only sitting job cannot be held responsible for all these health problems. Because in the root of these diseases, along with sitting for a long time, problems like not having the right sitting posture, not taking breaks in between, not doing regular exercise, not taking the right diet are also included.

Today we are telling you things related to diet here. With the right diet, you can control all your health problems and in many cases you can get rid of them completely. Keeping in mind the needs of eyes, muscles health and brain, here some special foods are being told. Include these foods in your daily diet and stay healthy.

What to eat to stay healthy in sitting job?

1. Whole Moong

2. Amla

3. Makhana

4. Walnuts

5. Black gram

Why should we eat these things?

Whole Moong: Whole moong is called ‘queen of pulses’. From this you can understand that all pulses are a good source of protein in themselves and if any pulse is being given the title of queen of pulses, then definitely it is full of protein and many other nutrients necessary for health. You will get essential nutrients for your muscles and bones from moong dal.

Gooseberry: In a sitting job, about 9 to 10 hours a day are spent on the screen every day. Sometimes laptop screen and sometimes mobile and TV screen. This has a very bad effect on the muscles and delicate vessels of the eyes. Along with this, problems also start in the retina. The result of all is that the eyesight starts getting weak. To avoid this, Amla must be eaten every day. You can eat it in any form of pickle, marmalade, chutney or vegetable. But eat every day.

Fox Nut: This is a dry fruit. Which is completely fat free and very good for digestion. Also iron is rich. When you live a lifestyle that lacks physical activities, it also has a bad effect on blood circulation. Makhana helps to control this problem. Because the iron present in it helps in increasing the level of oxygen in the body, it helps in maintaining blood circulation.

Walnut: This dry fruit is one of the few foods in the world of vegetarian foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is very important for brain muscles, respiratory system and heart. Omega-3 is very important for your brain not to feel tired while working on computer, laptop for hours and to be able to take all the decisions correctly. Adults can eat 4 walnuts in a day.

Black gram: The stamina that the body needs to sit continuously for many hours, it gets well from black gram. Black gram or desi gram, rich in many nutrients like protein, iron, helps in maintaining physical and mental energy. You can eat it in snack time, black gram made with gravy can be eaten in lunch. Or black gram can be consumed in breakfast as well. Avoid eating it in dinner.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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