{“_id”:”67ab85410f9775c8e30596f4″,”slug”:”bihar-fire-accident-six-cylinders-blasted-due-to-massive-fire-in-lodge-more-than-50-students-narrowly-escaped- 2025-02-11 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Bihar Fire Accident: Six cylinders, six cylindered blasts due to severe fire in the lodge, more than 50 students narrowly Survive “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” CITY-Aand-States “}}
Lodge fire
– Photo: Amar Ujala
A major accident occurred on Tuesday at Mandal Lodge near Law College in Purnia. A fire in the lodge led to six cylinders blast one by one. More than 50 students narrowly survived in this accident. The cause of the fire is being described as a short circuit in the electric meter. The case is of Haat police station area. On the information, two fire brigade vehicles reached the spot and controlled the fire. Students of Matriculation, Inter, Graduation, Post Graduation, B.Ed and M.Ed. lived in the lodge. Students said that all the goods, cash and documents kept in the room were burnt to ashes due to the fire.