Bihar News: Workshop For Media Personnel In Patna On Behalf Of Bihar State Disaster Management Authority; – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Media workshop organized at Gyan Bhawan, Patna.
– Photo: Social Media.


Bihar State Disaster Management Authority organized a training workshop for media persons in Gyan Bhawan, Patna. Authority’s Vice President Dr. Uday Kant said that journalism is a difficult path. A journalist faces many challenges on many fronts at the same time. Without humanity and sensitivity, it is not possible to discharge journalistic duty honestly. Vice President Dr. Uday Kant told through PPT that journalism is a fearless profession. This is a fight of principles, therefore only true news should be published prominently. He also said that if journalism is associated with the government’s activities with positive feelings, then a lot of help can be given to the suffering people during the time of disaster.

The Authority is working as a pioneer in the country

While introducing the topic, Secretary of the Authority Meenendra Kumar emphasized on the objectives of the workshop and the role of media in disaster and training of media personnel. Many measures were suggested to keep oneself safe during disaster. The Authority organizes such workshops every year. He said that the general public can be made aware of disaster management related works through media. Senior journalist Arun Sinha could not attend the workshop due to personal reasons but his message was broadcast in the workshop through audio clip. He appreciated the work being done in the field of disaster management in Bihar. Senior journalist Vijay Kumar Mishra emphasized on publishing good news in journalism. He said that in today’s era, news from the film world is given priority but good news related to public welfare is not published. He said that the news of preparation and training for disaster prevention being run by the Authority should be published prominently. The Authority is working as a pioneer in the country, from which people of other states can also learn.

Success can be achieved through team spirit

Senior journalist Sanjay Salil said that such work is being done here, which is not happening in any other state. He appreciated the use of the latest technology AI, ML, AR/VR technology by the authority. Success can be achieved in any field due to team spirit in this field. The environment of Bihar creates such an innate power of tolerance in you, which gives the strength to prove yourself in any difficult situation. This is the reason why people here are always able to do better in any environment.

It is our responsibility to report the disaster correctly

Senior Prabhakar Kumar explained in detail about the challenges and preparations in the field of disaster management and journalism. Based on his experiences, he gave information about the news coverage of the Kosi flood tragedy and Nepal earthquake of 2008. Senior journalist Swayam Prakash told about the need for humanity, sensitivity and value-based writing in journalism. Senior journalist Pushya Mitra stressed on the need for positive reporting and also gave many examples of the work being carried out by the authority which were appreciated. He stressed on the correct implementation at the ground level of the guidelines being provided by the government to all the district officials for pre-flood preparation and in relation to severe heat and heat wave. He said that along with the government, it is also the responsibility of the media personnel to do correct reporting regarding the disaster.

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