Black Pav Bhaji is available here, it gives tough competition to all the snacks in taste, these famous singers also like it

Vishwajit Singh/Mumbai: Like Delhi, you will find many special things to eat in Mumbai too. People are always ready to eat the vada pav and pav bhaji available in this city. Let us tell you that not only the taste but different steps are also followed for cooking food in Mumbai. Here you will also get a chance to eat black pav bhaji. This pav bhaji is very different in appearance and is also far ahead in terms of taste.

Mumbai’s Black Pav Bhaji
Special black pav bhaji is available at Maa Anjani Pav Bhaji Center in Borivali. While normal pav bhaji is red or yellow in colour, this unique pav bhaji of Mumbai is black in colour. As different it looks, it is equally delicious to eat. Handi pav bhaji is famous in this restaurant.

Price: Rs 200 per plate
The price of the amazing pav bhaji is ₹200 per plate. This is the perfect place for pav bhaji lovers. To try something new, you can eat 13 types of pav bhaji available in this shop. Apart from black pav bhaji, people also like to eat green pav bhaji here.

Falguni Pathak also likes it very much
Famous Indian singer Falguni Pathak also rules the hearts of people. She herself likes to eat pav bhaji from this place. Apart from this, many other famous people also come to this shop to eat pav bhaji.

Taste is different and special
People come to this shop from far and wide to eat food because you will not get the taste you get here anywhere else. Also, the price is not too high. You can eat food to your heart’s content.

Location – Maa Anjani Pav Bhaji Center in Borivali.

Tags: Food 18, Local18, mumbai news

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