Blue Prawn is extremely rare, only 1 in 20 lakhs get a chance to catch it! Video of creature going viral

You will come to know how strange our world is when you explore it deeply and learn about the untold aspects related to it. There are many unique things in this world from plants to animals and birds. Such unique creatures also live inside the sea. You must have heard about shrimp, maybe even seen it, but do you know that there is a unique aspect associated with it. That is, blue colored lobster (Rare blue lobster video) is very rare and if it is found by a fisherman, then understand that his luck shines.

Weird videos are often posted on the Twitter account @ValaAfshar. Recently a video has been posted on this account in which a person is holding blue lobster viral video. The caption accompanying the video reads, “From Maine to the British Isles, only a few fishermen have ever caught blue prawns. They are very rare and their color is blue. If you are wondering how rare these are, then know that only 1 chance out of 20 lakhs comes when fishermen catch it.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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