, Bodybuilding Foods:

Bodybuilding Foods: There are many people who eat whatever they want but their weight does not increase. Due to which, in order to gain muscles, they start consuming different types of supplements and protein powders available in the market. Which also has side effects. In such a situation, bodybuilding is advised in a natural way. Only such things should be eaten which are natural, increase weight and do not cause side effects. If you want to build your own body, then eating these three things every morning will start showing amazing effects in a few days…

banana and milk

If you want to groom your body and improve your personality, then milk and banana should be consumed every morning. Banana is such a superfood, which is a storehouse of many vitamins and minerals. Nutrients like potassium, fiber, healthy fats are also found in abundance in it. If you want to gain weight, then you can mix banana and milk and drink it every morning. If you want, you can also mix walnuts and flax seeds in it. It gives amazing benefits.

Oats and Milk

Eating Oats and Milk mixed with Oats and Milk early in the morning for bodybuilding gives amazing benefits. You mix oats in milk and cook it well. After this, if you want, you can also add raisins, almonds and cashews to it. It helps in bodybuilding in a natural way.


hard boiled egg

If you want your muscles to be good and your body to be made, then eating boiled egg early in the morning is very beneficial. Boiled egg helps you to gain weight and gain muscles. That’s why eat 3 boiled eggs every morning to build your body. A good amount of protein is found in eggs, due to which the muscles develop. You can also eat egg omelette. Try to eat egg only after workout.

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