Brad Pitt angelina jolie daughter shiloh files legal paperwork to remove pitt from her surname know reason

Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie daughter Shiloh: People love the movies of Hollywood’s famous couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. There was a time when this couple was talked about everywhere and they supported each other for 10 years. After staying together for about 10 years, both of them decided to separate. Now their elder daughter Shiloh has taken such a decision that fans are surprised.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter Shiloh wants to remove her father and mother’s surname from her name. Shiloh has also filed a petition to remove Pitt from her name. Let us tell you what is the whole matter?

Shiloh is the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Born on 27 May 2006, Shiloh’s full name was Shiloh Pitt Jolie but now Shiloh does not want the surname. According to media reports, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie Pitt had filed a petition to change her name in the Los Angeles County Superior Court on her birthday i.e. 27 May. Shiloh has taken the decision to legally change her surname some time ago. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s 19-year-old daughter Zahara Marley Jolie also removed her surname. Now Shiloh, like her other sisters, also wants to remove the word Pitt, the process of which has already started.

When did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie get married?

Brad and Angelina met during the shooting of Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 2004. After this, both became friends and at that time Angelina was with Jennifer but after meeting Brad, she left Jennifer. After dating for several years, Angelina and Brad got married in 2014 but both separated in 2019.

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